Key Questions of Market Success

#16 Key Question: Revolution in Marketing: Will the 4P model be replaced by concepts like 4C and SAVE?

The concept of marketing was developed in the 1960s and encompasses the crucial instruments for directly influencing the purchase decision of potential customers: Product policy, communication policy, distribution/sales policy, which are reflected in the 4P model: Product, Price, Place, Promotion

#16 Key Question: Revolution in Marketing: Will the 4P model be replaced by concepts like 4C and SAVE? Read More »

#15 Key Question: What is Geo-Targeting, and how does it support market success?

Geo-Targeting projects the complexity of the consumer market with its diverse buyer typologies onto geographical areas using address-based reference parameters such as houses and streets. By utilizing digital data, it becomes possible to define small-scale local market segments, such as residential neighborhoods, where homogeneous consumer groups with similar social backgrounds, needs, and purchasing behavior patterns

#15 Key Question: What is Geo-Targeting, and how does it support market success? Read More »

#14 Key Question: Why is market segmentation incremental for value maximization?

Market segmentation captures the entire market by differentiating its various buyer typologies and grouping them into homogeneous target segments of the highest possible economic attractiveness under consideration of competition. Hereby the focus is on identifying the differences in needs…..

#14 Key Question: Why is market segmentation incremental for value maximization? Read More »

#9 Key Question: How does the corporate target system influence the company’s market engagements?

A corporate target system sets the direction for the strategic business development of the entire organization, encompassing companies, business units as well as hierarchical levels from top management to the shop floor. It enables a homogeneous and integrated top-/down target structure…..

#9 Key Question: How does the corporate target system influence the company’s market engagements? Read More »

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